The West Michigan Graphic Design Archives (WMGDA) projects have significantly contributed to the evolution of the graphic design discipline. The archives is more than a storage unit; it helps students, educators, researchers, and practitioners to learn, be inspired, understand, appreciate, and inspire others with excellent design.
The WMGDA social media platforms serve as a method to increase engagement with archives content among students and young designers. Our goal was to create a systematic approach, a series of templates that will make posting among platforms cohesive with all other applications.
Designing websites can create unnecessary barriers that make it difficult to access information for people with disabilities. We worked to align the WMGDA standards with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure that everyone has equal access to historic graphic design content.
We prioritized creating functional, accessible, consistent, and well-designed solutions across all applications so that our audience can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with ease.
Figma, Illustrator, After Effects, Wave, Lighthouse, Axe Dev, WordPress
Social media system, video content, example campaigns, accessibility guide, logo system, updated brand guide, website updates

identifying accessibility issues
analysis and organization
crafting an accessible palette
graphic identity refinement
social media system
example campaigns and video content
organizing the audit and mapping solutions

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